Rohtak District in Haryana

Concept Explanation

Rohtak District In Haryana

Rohtak (Education Hub)

It is located in the South - East of the state. The district is surrounded by Jind to the North, Hisar to the North - West, Bhiwani to the West, Dadri to the South - West and Jhajjar to the South - East and Sonipat district to the North - East.

Brief Information

Establishment 1st November, 1966
Area 1745 sq km
Headquarter Rohtak City
Population 1061204 (Male - 568479, Female - 492725)
Decadal Growth Rate 12.6%
Sex Ratio 867
Literacy Rate 80.4% (Male Literacy - 88.4%, Female Literacy - 71.2%)
Population Density 608 person/sq km
Tehsil (3)       Rohtak, Meham, Sampla
No of Villages  136
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